Shinn & Son Vineyard Management is a company built by family and we operate it like family. We value our employees and clients as much more than that, they are family…and you do for family. We do our very best to make sure they are taken care of the best we can, because it’s the right thing to do.
Our company offers a virtually unlimited list of capabilities because of our vast experience and our deeply rooted relationships. When it comes to our business, we offer our customers a powerful resource and a recipe for success. Listed below is a comprehensive list of services we offer our clients. For questions, custom farming prices or to obtain a management/farming quote, please contact John.
Custom Vineyard Management: For us, it’s not just a client or customer relationship, but it’s about building a long-term relationship. Our clients are not just clients, but our Farming Friends. We will use our 55+ years of combined farming experience to create a management plan to suit your vineyard. We won’t just put your vineyard on a schedule in our rotation with everything else, but will work to make sure we maximize both the quality and production of your block. We work with you to fit what needs to be done in the field with what you budget can afford, without sacrificing the health or productivity of the vineyard. We will do the best for you because we value you!
Custom Spraying – We are a fully licensed and insured pesticide application company for both Trees and Vines. John is the licensed QAL, and our employees receive regular training to ensure they are current with laws, regulations and proper technique. We utilize two-row and standard tower vineyard sprayers to maximize canopy penetration, while minimizing vineyard impact. We also offer strip spraying for weeds in both single and 2-row pressure spraying. Putting the Right Material, at the Right Rate, in the Right Place, at the Right Time, is our code of conduct when it comes to custom pesticide applications.
Custom Vineyard Farming: We utilize newer and well maintained equipment to get the job done, when it needs to be done. Our offerings include:
- Mowing
- Discing
- Hand Harvesting and Loading
- Rototilling
- Vine Trimming
- Berm Sweeping
- Cane Shredding
- Sulfur Dusting
- Foliar Spraying
- Weed Spraying (Single Row & 2-Row)
- Mechanical Leaf Pulling
- Mechanical Sucker Removal
- Compost & Fertilizer Loading/Spreading
- Ditching and Ditch Closing
- Misc Tractor Work
We also work with several Labor Contractors in the area to ensure that we can get your vineyard work done when it needs to get done.
- JD With Disc and Roller
- John at Work Cover Crop Seeding
- Loaded Up and Ready To Go
- Sprayers at Rest and Lined Up for More
- We Can Get our Equipment Wherever You Are
- Between the epic cover crop and great weather, it makes for easy picture taking
- Bud-Break
- Bud-Break at Wells’ Family Vineyard Cabernet. Beautiful vineyard and house to match
- It’s all about family at Shinn & Son
- John carves the fried turkey @ Shinn & Son Thanksgiving
- We are blessed to have such great employees. Celebrating here with an early Thanksgiving Dinner
- We proudly grow and farm for one of the best local wineries, m2